Now is a great time to start a childcare business, get regulated or hire new employees. We have one-on-one business assistance, peer mentoring, education classes and funding to ensure your childcare business is strong and sustainable to meet the needs of families, children and employers.
Direct business funding will be provided in four priority categories:
- Getting childcare facilities to capacity by hiring new staff
- Bringing unregulated facilities into certification or licensing to ensure quality and safety
- Helping facilities join the state-wide YoungStar Rating program and increasing facility ratings
- Funding the identified business needs of graduates of Childcare Business Boot Camp, as well as other new childcare entrepreneurs working with partner agencies to start their businesses
Signing Bonus Funding
Each regulated childcare facility may request funding for signing bonuses for new employees. Businesses will pay half of each bonus at 6 months and half at one year, as long as the employee is in good standing.
Funding to Get Regulated
Funding will be provided to our local Childcare Resource and Referral Agency, 4-C, to assist all providers interested in becoming certified or licensed. Funding ($300 per business) will cover classes required to obtain certification or license.
A bonus of $500 will be provided to each childcare business that achieves certification in 2021. A bonus of $1,000 will be provided to each business that achieves licensing in 2021.
Funding to Join the YoungStar Rating Program or to Increase Rating
YoungStar is Wisconsin’s child care quality rating and improvement system. During 2021, childcare facilities that sign up to be part of the state’s YoungStar program at a level 2 will receive a stipend of $250. Family providers that increase their star rating will receive $500 for each increase. Group providers that increase their star rating will receive $1,000 for each increase. Family providers that maintain a 5-star rating for one year will receive $500. Group providers that maintain a 5-star rating for one year will receive $1,000.
Stipends for Graduates of Childcare Boot Camp Class
Childcare Business Boot Camp participants will identify their greatest needs for outside funding. This may include equipment, supplies, additional training, or employee attraction bonuses.
Funding to Start a Childcare Facility
New childcare entrepreneurs interested in starting a childcare facility, but unable to attend Childcare Business Boot Camp, may work with a partner agency or a Childcare Business Mentor to identify their greatest needs for outside funding. This may include equipment, supplies, additional training or employee attraction bonuses.
Partial funding for this Childcare Business Accelerator program was provided to GCDC by the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation. Recipients will be required to provide information regarding number of employees and total wages annually for confidential reporting.
How Can Your Childcare Business Benefit?
Call or email for more information on how to receive one-on-one assistance, peer mentoring, education classes and funding:
Cara Carper, Executive Director
Green County Development Corporation
1016 16th Avenue
Monroe, WI 53566
Phone: 608-328-9452
Email: [email protected]