Albany Solar Project March 2023 update

The 50-megawatt Albany Solar Project located in Green County, Wisconsin, is part of Alliant
Energy’s Clean Energy Blueprint, a strategic roadmap to cost-effectively accelerate our
transition to renewable energy and reduce carbon emissions. Once complete, the project will
positively impact the environment and generate enough energy to power around 13,000 homes.

See the full article:  AlbanySolarNewsletter3-2023

Compeer Financial Grant for Pop-Up Shops

Green County Development Corporation was a recipient of a grant from Compeer Financial to assist entrepreneurs through a Pop-Up Shop program.  Pop-Up Shops provide a low cost opportunity for a new business get into a storefront and get started in making their dream a reality!   See the article for more information and please feel free to contact us anytime and for any ideas on new programs you would like to see GCDC provide!  [email protected] or call  608-328-9452     Compeer grant for pop-up shops

Small Business Series 2023

GCDC in partnership with The Bank of New Glarus is excited to host a five-part series for entrepreneurs and small business hopefuls to get started living your dream.  This series begins in April 19th and continues once per week until May 17th, ending with a pitch contest!  Additional details below.   Register today at:

Starting in April – Register today

Caring for the Next Generation – YMCA’s New Childcare Center

The Green County YMCA’s new childcare center is slated to open in the fall of 2024.  As quoted in the attached press release, Olivia Otte, Executive Director of Green County Development Corporation relays how quality childcare is directly related to positive economic development.  “There is a growing awareness of the links between access to childcare, parental employment, and overall economic growth. Businesses rely on employees and employees rely on childcare. The opening of the YMCA childcare facility will have a direct impact on Green County’s ability to grow and prosper in the future. This facility will allow our county to attract a young and diverse workforce. We are thrilled that the YMCA has taken a holistic approach to enhance our community.”

Read the full article in the attached document.

Press Release – Childcare Center – 2023-02-28 FINAL (003)