by GCDC | Sep 26, 2024 | Programs
Local Coalition in Green County Begins New Rural Entrepreneurship Program
The Green County Development Corporation (GCDC) in Green County is partnering up with UW–Madison Extension on a new effort to engage rural entrepreneurs and strengthen community connection. As part of a grant-funded program from Compeer Financial, Extension is providing coaching and guidance for local groups to spur sustained entrepreneurship. The groups selected for this program recently moved into a phase to implement best practices and procedures for economic growth.
Extension’s Rural Entrepreneurial Venture (REV) is an entrepreneurial development program designed to advance small town economies through a targeted business approach. Wisconsin REV is being developed in partnership with Community and Economic Development Associates (CEDA), Compeer Financial, Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation (SMIF), and e2 Entrepreneurial Ecosystems. This effort is being funded by Compeer Financial. Launched this year, Wisconsin REV provides coaching, resources and connections throughout the visioning and implementation process as each community explores what economic development means for their communities. More information can be found at
Communities across the country have shown great success and economic growth by using a “grow your own” approach to entrepreneur development. Rural Entrepreneurial Venture (REV) is an established program designed to advance small-town economies through a focus on businesses, nonprofits, and government. Wisconsin REV will use this same approach to help Wisconsin communities flourish.
REV kicked off its eReady phase in June. The eReady phase is designed to provide the background and foundations of the REV framework. It gives a REV community time to assemble their core leadership team, preview the REV processes and potential outcomes, and begin creating their goals as an entrepreneur-focused community. The leadership team then chooses to commit to the three-year REV program as they transition out of eReady.
The inaugural cohort includes:
City of Jefferson in Waukesha County
Green County, focusing on Latino Entrepreneurs
City of Amery in Polk County
City of Mineral Point in Iowa County
City of Hillsboro in Vernon County
“These communities are going to be using this framework to achieve their identified goals for supporting rural entrepreneurs,” said Lisa Taylor, UW–Madison Extension Rural Entrepreneurial Venture Specialist. “Very often those goals include increasing the number of businesses in sectors where there’s a need. They can also include creating an environment in which young people who are staying in the community or coming back do so with the notion that entrepreneurship is an opportunity for them.”
The five community leadership teams, which completed the eReady phase in August, are ready to start implementing the REV framework to realize the goals they created over the summer. Olivia Otte, GCDC’s Executive Director commented, “We are very excited to partner with REV for support in addressing needs of Latino and young entrepreneurs in Green County. REV training and mentoring is helping us to enhance entrepreneurial opportunities, respond to our shifting demographics, and strengthen our workforce environment.”
The City of Merrill and Washburn County will also be joining the inaugural cohort in September and October, respectively.
The REV program support team will join each community leadership team for a fall kick-off meeting to provide community-specific data and support the team as they prepare to work toward their chosen goals over the next three years with their REV Community Coach. Also, REV communities will gather during specific stages of the program to receive relevant training and foster peer-to-peer learning.
WI REV Cohort 2 is currently being planned for 2025.
The typical REV community is rural with a population of at least 1,500 but no more than 10,000, which may include an individual city/town/village, a combination of neighboring communities or a school district. Local leadership in a REV community is willing to invest time with their local entrepreneurs and work to establish a robust entrepreneurial ecosystem and a diverse, more resilient economy. If you are part of such a community and would like to discuss potential WI REV program participation, please contact Lisa Taylor at [email protected].
Wisconsin REV is led by UW-Madison Division of Extension’s Community Economic Development Program in partnership with Community and Economic Development, Associates (CEDA), Compeer Financial, Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation (SMIF), and Energizing Entrepreneurs “e2” framework.
by GCDC | Jun 3, 2024 | Programs

Green County Development Corporation (GCDC) opened the doors to the first project house of the Home Construction Cooperative to celebrate and give recognition to the hard work and support of all involved. In addition to the donation of the home by SSM Health Monroe, GCDC received grant funds and additional donations from local banks, businesses and private donors to provide over $140,000 in support of the program.
The program, which began with the 2023/2024 school year brought Monroe High School, Skilled Building Trades LAUNCH students together to gain in-demand, home renovation and construction skills. With only one hour per day several days per week, students, teachers, and specialty contractors updated and transformed a home donated by SSM Health Monroe.
Students completed bathroom and kitchen demolition and worked alongside local contractors and instructors to learn HVAC, electrical, plumbing, carpentry, masonry and landscaping. The home features new, energy efficient windows and exterior doors, updated plumbing and electric service, new central air unit, and a fully renovated bathroom.
The newly renovated kitchen was designed by students, and includes a small pantry, island, and new appliances. A new patio door and deck were added to open the kitchen space to the outdoors. New vinyl flooring, refinished hardwoods, light fixtures, and accents, along with fresh paint throughout complete the inside.
Additional work included drywall in the garage, freshly poured sidewalk and driveway, new shutters, and exterior lighting, along with landscape clean up and fresh planting. Local contractors provided instruction to teach the students other trades like electrical, plumbing, landscaping, and HVAC.
As students gave tours, attendees noted the “pride in the voices of the students as they explained what they did throughout the school year to transform the home.” GCDC’s Olivia Otte reflected on the community effort that made this project possible, and thanked the donors, attendees, teachers, and students for making the Home Construction Cooperative a huge success.
The home, located on 5th Street in Monroe, will be listed for sale in the coming weeks. All proceeds from the sale will be put back into the program to support next year’s new build planned on a vacant parcel donated by the City of Monroe. Program goals include expansion throughout Green County. Inquiries and interest in donating or being a part of the Home Construction Cooperative can be directed to GCDC.
Many thanks go out to the many donors and supporters of the program: SSM Health Monroe, School District of Monroe, Community Foundation of Southern Wisconsin, Inc, Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority (WHEDA), Alliant Energy, The Bank of New Glarus, Woodford State Bank, First Community Credit Union, Green Bay Packer Foundation, Monona Plumbing And Fire Protection Inc, First National Bank and Trust (Monroe, WI), CGSchmidt, Schlect Family Foundation, Builders FirstSource, Prosperity Southwest, Duxstad McDaniel Law Group, SC, Summit Credit Union, Greenwoods State Bank, Buehler Interiors, Kundert Construction , Monroe Morning Optimists, Marine Credit Union, Veridian Homes, Maz Electric, First Weber Realtors- Jeff Twitty Conway, Monroe Lions Club, Father Campions Champions, Monroe Kiwanis, WI, Monson Septic Pumping & Portable Restrooms LLC, Monroe Excellence in Education, Santos Concrete, Josh D Landscaping & Design, The Garden Spot, Green County Master Gardeners Association, Dane’s Lemonade Stand!
GCDC, a nonprofit Public/Private Partnership organization exists to encourage economic development while maintaining the quality of life that makes Green County a great place to live and work. Contact information can be found at
by GCDC | Feb 23, 2024 | Programs
GCDC grant award supports childcare efforts in Green County
Green County Development Corporation (GCDC) is proud to announce a $70,000 grant award for childcare education and capital improvement from Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC),
The grant will support approximately 100 childcare workers and 25 childcare centers in Green County by providing incentives to join the field, enhance credentialing, and make improvements to their facilities.
“Empowering childcare providers through grants not only nurtures early childhood development but also fuels economic growth. Investing in quality childcare is an investment in our future workforce and community prosperity. At GCDC, we are excited to channel these funds into our community, promoting sustained economic growth.” Olivia Otte, GCDC Executive Director.
Childcare businesses that achieve certification, or individuals per business that earn an associate or bachelor’s degree, are eligible for a $500 bonus per business through a scholarship fund.
A stipend will be available for childcare facilities that sign-up to be part of the state’s YoungStar program at a level two, or to increase their current rating. The amount varies based on provider type and rating. YoungStar is Wisconsin’s quality rating and improvement system for childcare, giving parents and caregivers tools and information to give their kids a great start, and for parents to find quality childcare that fits their needs.
Funds are also available within this grant for childcare centers to make capital improvements aimed at enhancing ADA compliance. 2024 improvements to doorways, playgrounds, fire exits, and more are options for consideration.
An application and review process is in place for distribution of funds. To receive an application to apply for funds, or for any questions, please contact GCDC at [email protected] or call 608-328-9452.
by GCDC | Jun 21, 2023 | News, Programs
Funding Available for Green County Businesses
Green County businesses looking to expand can benefit from low interest loans through Green County Development Corporation’s (GCDC) Revolving Loan Fund.
High growth startup or emerging growth companies in manufacturing, agriculture, food processing, medical devices, biosciences, or energy industries are eligible to apply for up to $100,000.
Activities can include acquisitions of buildings, land, or fixed assets; site prep, construction or reconstruction and fixed equipment installation; demolition, clearance or removal of structures or building rehab; and/or working capital for inventory and direct labor costs.
GCDC administers this loan with funds raised through donations from local banks and the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC). This program started in 2019 and is sustained with interest paid from current loan recipients – a revolving loan fund.
An application is completed and reviewed by the committee who then performs an interview with the company to talk through the plan and answer any questions.
GCDC is a 501c3 corporation committed to building public and private partnerships that promote and encourage economic growth while maintaining the quality of life that makes Green County a great place to live and work.
More information about the Revolving Loan Fund can be found on GCDC’s website at or by calling Olivia Otte, Executive Director 608.328.9452 or emailing her at [email protected].
by GCDC | Jun 14, 2023 | News, Programs
Funding Available for Green County Businesses
Green County businesses looking to expand can benefit from low interest loans through Green County Development Corporation’s (GCDC) Revolving Loan Fund.
High growth startup or emerging growth companies in manufacturing, agriculture, food processing, medical devices, biosciences, or energy industries are eligible to apply for up to $100,000.
Activities can include acquisitions of buildings, land, or fixed assets; site prep, construction or reconstruction and fixed equipment installation; demolition, clearance or removal of structures or building rehab; and/or working capital for inventory and direct labor costs.
GCDC administers this loan with funds raised through donations from local banks and the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC). This program started in 2019 and is sustained with interest paid from current loan recipients – a revolving loan fund.
An application is completed and reviewed by the committee who then performs an interview with the company to talk through the plan and answer any questions.
GCDC is a 501c3 corporation committed to building public and private partnerships that promote and encourage economic growth while maintaining the quality of life that makes Green County a great place to live and work.
More information about the Revolving Loan Fund can be found on here GCDC_Funding_8.5x11_Trifold_2023_3_29_Optimized or on GCDC’s website,
Contact Olivia Otte, Executive Director at 608.328.9452 or through email at Olivia@greencountydevelopment
by GCDC | May 31, 2023 | News, Programs

GCDC Small Business Series Pitch winners (left to right):
Brianna Wethal -The Bank of New Glarus, Laura Eyler – 1st Place Thyme Savor Cuisine, Lauren Siegenthaler – 2nd Place Erda & Arch, Keri Mertens – 3rd Place Pi Bakery, Olivia Otte – Green County Development Corporation
Green County Small Business Series Ends with Business Pitch Contest
Since April 19th, 21 aspiring Green County entrepreneurs participated in a free Small Business Series hosted by Green County Development Corporation (GCDC) and The Bank of New Glarus, with special help from the Southwest Wisconsin Small Business Development Center (SBDC) and other guest speakers.
The Small Business Series was created to help entrepreneurs kick-start the dream of owning their own business. Participants committed to once weekly training sessions over a five-week period and gained insights into licensing their business, understanding legal considerations and financial documents, defining the customer base, marketing, and creating business plans and pitches for lenders and investors. All topics were enhanced with 1:1 meet-ups with SBDC consultants.
“We were excited to have so many enthusiastic entrepreneurs in our area commit to this program.” stated GCDC Executive Director, Olivia Otte, “The model for this program meets so many needs and directly connects each participant with specialists that can step them through details that will keep them on target for opening their business.”
Nora Roughen-Schmidt, Business Consultant with SW Wisconsin SBDC said, “The GCDC Small Business Series provided an accessible format for small businesses to learn from entrepreneurial start-up experts to go from idea stage and business plan to a new business. I was thrilled to participate and assist in developing new businesses in Green County. The series is an economic development driver that empowers participants with education, resources, consulting, and relationships. Thank you to the GCDC team for developing the program and to the Bank of New Glarus for their sponsorship. Congratulations to all the new businesses that formed as a result of the series!”
The program culminated on May 17th with a Pitch Contest, giving participants the opportunity to present their business plan to lenders and peers. Judges heard pitches for food related businesses, comfort care, home contracting services, and traveling entertainment. A cash prize was awarded by The Bank of New Glarus to the top three participants that demonstrated unique solutions to problems in Green County and presented a sound business plan that reflected enthusiastic commitment for long-term success.
“We are thrilled to have partnered with Green County Development Corporation in offering the recent Small Business Series,” said Ron Schaaf, President and CEO of The Bank of New Glarus. “The entrepreneurs who attended have many great business ideas. We wish them all the best as they complete their planning and move forward with opening businesses across Green County.”
In all, ten Green County entrepreneurs pitched their business, and included:
1st Place Thyme Savor Cuisine (presented by Laura Eyler): a personal chef service, offering custom tailored meals for special events or any time meal support for busy schedules.
2nd Place Erda & Arch (presented by Lauren Siegenthaler): A polymer clay and paper makery/goods, including handcrafted jewelry available online and in specialty boutiques.
3rd Place Pi Bakery (presented by Keri Mertens): A Brodhead based completely homemade pies, cookies and baked goods.
Arlonia Jackson (presented by Arlonia Jackson): home crafted comfort care babies with fitted clothing, and cost saving patterns.
S&T Sealcoating LLC (Tayveon Cameron & Seth Lindsay): an asphalt maintenance company, providing cleaning and sealcoating of asphalt driveways and parking areas throughout Green County and surrounding areas.
JM’s Event Planning & Organization (presented by Jenna Curran): an event planning and organizational solutions company.
Bassett Painting LLC (presented by Brian Bassett): providing interior and exterior painting.
Daisy’s Axe Box (presented by Todd & Brenda Coy): a mobile entertainment company providing on-site axe throwing for private parties and community events.
Thanks to all who participated!! We can’t wait for the next series to begin!