Compeer Financial Grant for Pop-Up Shops

Green County Development Corporation was a recipient of a grant from Compeer Financial to assist entrepreneurs through a Pop-Up Shop program.  Pop-Up Shops provide a low cost opportunity for a new business get into a storefront and get started in making their dream a reality!   See the article for more information and please feel free to contact us anytime and for any ideas on new programs you would like to see GCDC provide!  [email protected] or call  608-328-9452     Compeer grant for pop-up shops

Small Business Series 2023

GCDC in partnership with The Bank of New Glarus is excited to host a five-part series for entrepreneurs and small business hopefuls to get started living your dream.  This series begins in April 19th and continues once per week until May 17th, ending with a pitch contest!  Additional details below.   Register today at:

Starting in April – Register today

Caring for the Next Generation – YMCA’s New Childcare Center

The Green County YMCA’s new childcare center is slated to open in the fall of 2024.  As quoted in the attached press release, Olivia Otte, Executive Director of Green County Development Corporation relays how quality childcare is directly related to positive economic development.  “There is a growing awareness of the links between access to childcare, parental employment, and overall economic growth. Businesses rely on employees and employees rely on childcare. The opening of the YMCA childcare facility will have a direct impact on Green County’s ability to grow and prosper in the future. This facility will allow our county to attract a young and diverse workforce. We are thrilled that the YMCA has taken a holistic approach to enhance our community.”

Read the full article in the attached document.

Press Release – Childcare Center – 2023-02-28 FINAL (003)

The Place to Connect – Monroe Time View

Green County Development Corporation is a grassroots, non-profit organization that focuses on connecting, meeting with varied groups, keeping the message going, and supporting our mission to grow Green County in a way that maintains the quality of life we appreciate and want to keep.

Click the link to read the full article as published in the Monroe Times: Feb 22 Monroe Times View – The Place to Connect

Economic Development of Today – Monroe Times View

Thirty years ago, Green County Development Corporation (GCDC) was created to lessen the burden of the government and become the bridge between local businesses and local government. Times have changed dramatically since then, but our mission has remained the same. GCDC exists to promote and encourage economic growth while maintaining the quality of life that makes Green County, Wisconsin a great place to live and work.

Click the link to read the full article as published in the Monroe Times: Monroe Times View – Economic Development of Today

I’m a Farmer Too – Women in Ag event March 2 and March 23.

University of Wisconsin – Madison, Division of Extension Women in Ag Programming,

I’m a Farmer Too Slated for Two Locations on March 2 and March 23.

(Wisconsin) Women are a key aspect of the agriculture industry and are responsible for many facets of the farm. This program is geared toward women and the many hats they wear in the agricultural industry. Planning for the unknown, farm biosecurity, telling your farm story, and farm safety topics will be presented.

Presenters and topics are as follows:

Planning for the Unknown with Joy Kirkpatrick, Farm Succession Outreach Specialist

Joy will discuss how to organize contingency plans for unexpected events, both short-term disruptions and catastrophic events; and will give a brief primer on what happens to property and other issues when there is no plan at the time of an unexpected event, such as death or disability.


Farm Biosecurity by Carolyn Ihde, UW-Extension Ag Educator Crawford and Richland Counties

With so many ways for diseases to come in contact with your livestock, implementing a few low-cost biosecurity measures can decrease the risk of transmission and allow for the tracing of disease movement in the case of highly contagious animal disease outbreaks. Take the small steps now to ensure proper biosecurity.

Telling your farm story with Amanda Cauffman, UW-Extension Regional Livestock Educator – Grant, Green, Iowa, and Lafayette Counties

Using your farm story to be an Ag Advocate and educate our communities about agricultural practices.

Farm Safety presented with Jackie McCarville, UW Extension Regional Dairy Educator- Grant Green, Iowa, and Lafayette Counties

Considerations on how to keep children and adults safe on the farm.  Exploring the potential hazards and dangerous areas while still having fun on the farm.

Participants will also be completing a craft project while they learn. Craft projects are Beef, Dairy, Sheep, and Pig themed. There will also be door prizes.

The following are the dates, locations, and county extension offices for registering for each location. The cost of the program is $35 dollars and covers materials, lunch, and craft supplies. Checks can be made payable to UW-Extension. RSVP and registration fee is required a week before the program date. We may cancel due to low enrollment, calling those who have registered. Please contact the host county Extension Office for that specific location for more information.